`Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore` is the main nuget package for the EF Core integration. Install it to your project (for a layered application, to your data/infrastructure layer):
Entity Framework Core supports various database management systems ([see all](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/providers/)). ABP framework and this document doesn't depend on any specific DBMS.
If you are creating a [reusable application module](Modules/Index.md), avoid to depend on a specific DBMS package. However, in a final application you eventually will select a DBMS.
If you have multiple databases in your application, you can configure the connection string name for your DbContext using the `[ConnectionStringName]` attribute. Example:
public class MyDbContext : AbpDbContext<MyDbContext>
If you don't configure, the `Default` connection string is used. If you configure a specific connection string name, but not define this connection string name in the application configuration then it fallbacks to the `Default` connection string (see [the connection strings document](Connection-Strings.md) for more information).
ABP can automatically create default [generic repositories](Repositories.md) for the entities in your DbContext. Just use `AddDefaultRepositories()` option on the registration:
This will create a repository for each [aggregate root entity](Entities.md) (classes derived from `AggregateRoot`) by default. If you want to create repositories for other entities too, then set `includeAllEntities` to `true`:
Default generic repositories are powerful enough in most cases (since they implement `IQueryable`). However, you may need to create a custom repository to add your own repository methods. Assume that you want to delete all books by type.
public interface IBookRepository : IRepository<Book,Guid>
Task DeleteBooksByType(BookType type);
You generally want to derive from the `IRepository` to inherit standard repository methods. However, you don't have to. Repository interfaces are defined in the domain layer of a layered application. They are implemented in the data/infrastructure layer (`EntityFrameworkCore` project in a [startup template](https://abp.io/Templates)).
Example implementation of the `IBookRepository` interface:
public class BookRepository : EfCoreRepository<BookStoreDbContext,Book,Guid>, IBookRepository
public BookRepository(IDbContextProvider<BookStoreDbContext> dbContextProvider)
: base(dbContextProvider)
public async Task DeleteBooksByType(BookType type)
Even if you create a custom repository, you can still inject the default generic repository (`IRepository<Book,Guid>` for this example). Default repository implementation will not use the class you have created.
This is especially important when you want to **override a base repository method** to customize it. For instance, you may want to override `DeleteAsync` method to delete a specific entity in a more efficient way:
In most cases, you want to hide EF Core APIs behind a repository (this is the main purpose of the repository pattern). However, if you want to access the `DbContext` instance over the repository, you can use `GetDbContext()` or `GetDbSet()` extension methods. Example:
*`GetDbContext` returns a `DbContext` reference instead of `BookStoreDbContext`. You can cast it, however in most cases you don't need it.
> Important: You must reference to the `Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore` package from the project you want to access to the DbContext. This breaks encapsulation, but this is what you want in that case.
Default generic repositories are implemented by `EfCoreRepository` class by default. You can create your own implementation and use it for all the default repository implementations.
It's suggested to inherit from the `EfCoreRepository` class and override methods if needed. Otherwise, you will have to implement all the standard repository methods manually.
If your DbContext inherits from another DbContext or implements an interface, you can use that base class or interface as DbContext for default repositories. Example:
public interface IBookStoreDbContext : IEfCoreDbContext
DbSet<Book> Books { get; }
`IBookStoreDbContext` is implemented by the `BookStoreDbContext` class. Then you can use generic overload of the `AddDefaultRepositories`:
In this example, `OtherDbContext` implements `IBookStoreDbContext`. This feature allows you to have multiple DbContext (one per module) on development, but single DbContext (implements all interfaces of all DbContexts) on runtime.