* **Do** define a **primary constructor** that ensures the validity of the entity on creation. Primary constructors are used to create a new instance of the entity by the application code.
- **Do** define primary constructor as `public`, `internal` or `protected internal` based on the requirements. If it's not public, the entity is expected to be created by a domain service.
- **Do** always initialize sub collections in the primary constructor.
- **Do not** generate `Guid` keys inside the constructor. Get it as a parameter, so the calling code will use `IGuidGenerator` to generate a new `Guid` value.
#### Parameterless Constructor
- **Do** always define a `protected` parameterless constructor to be compatible with ORMs.
#### References
- **Do** always **reference** to other aggregate roots **by Id**. Never add navigation properties to other aggregate roots.
#### Other Class Members
- **Do** always define properties and methods as `virtual` (except `private` methods, obviously). Because some ORMs and dynamic proxy tools require it.
- **Do** keep the entity as always **valid** and **consistent** within its own boundary.
- **Do** define properties with `private`, `protected`, `internal ` or `protected internal` setter where it is needed to protect the entity consistency and validity.
- **Do** define `public `, `internal` or `protected internal` (virtual) **methods** to change the properties (with non-public setters) if necessary.
* **Do** inherit from the `AggregateRoot<TKey>` or one of the audited classes (`CreationAuditedAggregateRoot<TKey>`, `AuditedAggregateRoot<TKey>` or `FullAuditedAggregateRoot<TKey>`) based on requirements.
* **Do** keep aggregates **as small as possible**. Most of the aggregates will only have primitive properties and will not have sub collections. Consider these as design decisions:
* **Performance** &**memory** cost of loading & saving aggregates (keep in mind that an aggregate is normally loaded & saved as a single unit). Larger aggregates will consume more CPU & memory.
* **Consistency** &**validity** boundary.
### Example
#### Aggregate Root
public class Issue : FullAuditedAggregateRoot<Guid> //Using Guid as the key/identifier
public virtual string Title { get; private set; } //Changed using the SetTitle() method
public virtual string Text { get; set; } //Can be directly changed. null values are allowed
public virtual Guid? MilestoneId { get; set; } //Reference to another aggregate root
public virtual bool IsClosed { get; private set; }
public virtual IssueCloseReason? CloseReason { get; private set; } //Just an enum type