ABP platform provide basic [React Native](https://reactnative.dev/) startup template to develop mobile applications **integrated to your ABP based backends**.
Please follow the steps below to prepare your development environment for React Native.
1.**Install Node.js:** Please visit [Node.js downloads page](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) and download proper Node.js v12 or v14 installer for your OS. An alternative is to install [NVM](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm) and use it to have multiple versions of Node.js in your operating system.
2.**[Optional] Install Yarn:** You may install Yarn v1 (not v2) following the instructions on [the installation page](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install). Yarn v1 delivers an arguably better developer experience compared to npm v6 and below. You may skip this step and work with npm, which is built-in in Node.js, instead.
3.**[Optional] Install VS Code:** [VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) is a free, open-source IDE which works seamlessly with TypeScript. Although you can use any IDE including Visual Studio or Rider, VS Code will most likely deliver the best developer experience when it comes to React Native projects.
4.**Install an Emulator:** React Native applications need an Android emulator or an iOS simulator to run on your OS. See the [Android Studio Emulator](https://docs.expo.io/workflow/android-simulator/) or [iOS Simulator](https://docs.expo.io/workflow/ios-simulator/) on expo.io documentation to learn how to set up an emulator.
## How to Start a New React Native Project
You have multiple options to initiate a new React Native project that works with ABP:
ABP CLI is probably the most convenient and flexible way to initiate an ABP solution with a React Native application. Simply [install the ABP CLI](CLI.md) and run the following command in your terminal:
This command will prepare a solution with an **Angular** or an **MVC** (depends on your choice), a **.NET Core**, and a **React Native** project in it.
### 2. Direct Download
You may [download a solution scaffold directly on ABP.io](https://abp.io/get-started) if you are more comfortable with GUI or simply want to try ABP without installing the CLI.
A React Native application running on an Android emulator or a physical phone **can not connect to the backend** on `localhost`. To fix this problem, it is necessary to run the backend application on your **local IP address**.
* Open the `appsettings.json` in the `.HttpApi.Host` folder. Replace the `localhost` address on the `SelfUrl` and `Authority`properties with your local IP address.
* Open the `launchSettings.json` in the `.HttpApi.Host/Properties` folder. Replace the `localhost` address on the `applicationUrl`properties with your local IP address.
* Open the `appsettings.json` in the `.IdentityServer` folder. Replace the `localhost` address on the `SelfUrl`property with your local IP address.
* Open the `launchSettings.json` in the `.IdentityServer/Properties` folder. Replace the `localhost` address on the `applicationUrl`properties with your local IP address.
* Open the `appsettings.json` in the `.HttpApi.Host` folder. Replace the `localhost` address on the `Authority`property with your local IP address.
* Open the `launchSettings.json` in the `.HttpApi.Host/Properties` folder. Replace the `localhost` address on the `applicationUrl`properties with your local IP address.
{{ end }}
Run the backend application as described in the [getting started document](Getting-Started.md).
1. Make sure the [database migration is complete](./Getting-Started?UI=NG&DB=EF&Tiered=No#create-the-database) and the [API is up and running](./Getting-Started?UI=NG&DB=EF&Tiered=No#run-the-application).
2. Open `react-native` folder and run `yarn` or `npm install` if you have not already.
3. Open the `Environment.js` in the `react-native` folder and replace the `localhost` address on the `apiUrl` and `issuer` properties with your local IP address as shown below:
> Make sure that `issuer` matches the running address of the `.IdentityServer` project, `apiUrl` matches the running address of the `.HttpApi.Host` or `.Web` project.
> Make sure that `issuer` and `apiUrl` matches the running address of the `.HttpApi.Host` or `.Web` project.
> The React Native application was generated with [Expo](https://expo.io/). Expo is a set of tools built around React Native to help you quickly start an app and, while it has many features.
In the above management interface, you can start the application with an Android emulator, an iOS simulator or a physical phone by the scan the QR code with the [Expo Client](https://expo.io/tools#client).