You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

328 lines
7.4 KiB

"items": [
"text": "Come<6D>ando",
"items": [
"text": "De Modelo de Inicializa<7A><61>o",
"items": [
"text": "Aplicativo com MVC (Razor Pages) UI",
"path": ""
"text": "Aplicativo com Angular UI",
"path": ""
"text": "De Projetos Vazios",
"items": [
"text": "Com Aplicativo ASP.NET Core Web",
"path": ""
"text": "Com Aplicativo Console",
"path": ""
"text": "Tutoriais",
"items": [
"text": "Desenvolvimento de Aplica<63><61>es",
"items": [
"text": "Com ASP.NET Core MVC UI",
"path": "Tutorials/AspNetCore-Mvc/"
"text": "Com Angular UI",
"path": "Tutorials/Angular/"
"text": "CLI",
"path": ""
"text": "Fundamentos",
"items": [
"text": "Inje<6A><65>o de Depend<6E>ncia",
"path": "",
"items": [
"text": "Integra<72><61>o com Autofac",
"path": ""
"text": "Sistema de Arquivos Virtual",
"path": ""
"text": "Localiza<7A><61>o",
"path": ""
"text": "Manipula<6C><61>o de Exce<63><65>o",
"path": ""
"text": "Valida<64><61>o"
"text": "Autoriza<7A><61>o"
"text": "Armazenamento em Cache"
"text": "Auditoria"
"text": "Gerenciamento de Configura<72><61>es"
"text": "Eventos",
"items": [
"text": "Barramento de Eventos (local)"
"text": "Barramento de Eventos Distribu<62>dos",
"items": [
"text": "Integra<72><61>o RabbitMQ"
"text": "Servi<76>os",
"items": [
"text": "Serializa<7A><61>o de Objetos"
"text": "Serializa<7A><61>o JSON"
"text": "Emailing"
"text": "GUIDs"
"text": "Threading"
"text": "Timing"
"text": "M<>ltiplos Inquilinos",
"path": ""
"text": "Desenvolvimento de M<>dulos",
"items": [
"text": "Fundamentos",
"path": ""
"text": "M<>dulos de plug-in"
"text": "Melhores pr<70>ticas",
"path": "Best-Practices/"
"text": "Design Orientado a Dom<6F>nio",
"path": "",
"items": [
"text": "Camada de Dom<6F>nio",
"items": [
"text": "Entidades & Ra<52>zes Agregadas",
"path": ""
"text": "Value Objects"
"text": "Reposit<69>rios",
"path": ""
"text": "Servi<76>os de Dom<6F>nio"
"text": "Especifica<63><61>es"
"text": "Camada de Aplica<63><61>o",
"items": [
"text": "Servi<76>os de Aplica<63><61>o",
"path": ""
"text": "Objetos de Transfer<65>ncia de Dados"
"text": "Unidade de Trabalho"
"text": "ASP.NET Core",
"items": [
"text": "API",
"items": [
"text": "Controladores de API Autom<6F>tica",
"path": "AspNetCore/"
"text": "Clientes da API C # Din<69>mica",
"path": "AspNetCore/"
"text": "Interface de Usu<73>rio",
"items": [
"text": "Gerenciamento de Pacotes do Lado do Cliente",
"path": "AspNetCore/"
"text": "Compacta<74><61>o & Minifica<63><61>o",
"path": "AspNetCore/"
"text": "Tag Helpers",
"path": "AspNetCore/Tag-Helpers/"
"text": "Widgets",
"path": "AspNetCore/"
"text": "Theming",
"path": "AspNetCore/"
"text": "Acesso de Dados",
"items": [
"text": "Integra<72><61>o do Entity Framework Core",
"path": "",
"items": [
"text": "Integra<72><61>o do PostgreSQL",
"path": "Best-Practices/"
"text": "Integra<72><61>o do MongoDB",
"path": ""
"text": "Integra<72><61>o do Dapper",
"path": ""
"text": "Background",
"items": [
"text": "Trabalhos em Segundo Plano",
"path": "",
"items": [
"text": "Integra<72><61>o do Hangfire",
"path": ""
"text": "Integra<72><61>o do RabbitMQ",
"path": ""
"text": "Modelos de Inicializa<7A><61>o",
"path": "Startup-Templates/",
"items": [
"text": "Aplicativo",
"path": "Startup-Templates/"
"text": "M<>dulo",
"path": "Startup-Templates/"
"text": "Exemplos",
"items": [
"text": "Demonstra<72><61>o de Microsservi<76>os",
"path": "Samples/"
"text": "M<>dulos de Aplica<63><61>o",
"path": "Modules/"
"text": "Arquitetura de Microsservi<76>os",
"path": ""
"text": "Testando"
"text": "Compila<6C><61>es Noturnas",
"path": ""
"text": "Guia de Contribui<75><69>o",
"path": "Contribution/"