You can use the `ToasterService` in @abp/ng.theme.shared package to display messages in an overlay by placing at the root level in your project.
## Getting Started
You do not have to provide the `ToasterService` at module or component level, because it is already **provided in root**. You can inject and start using it immediately in your components, directives, or services.
import { ToasterService } from '@abp/ng.theme.shared';
/* class metadata here */
class DemoComponent {
constructor(private toaster: ToasterService) {}
## Usage
You can use the `success`, `warn`, `error`, and `info` methods of `ToasterService` to display an overlay.
-`Config` namespace can be imported from `@abp/ng.core`.
-`Toaster` namespace can be imported from `@abp/ng.theme.shared`.
> See the [`Config.LocalizationParam` type]( and [`Toaster` namespace](