This document explains how you can create a new storage provider for the BLOB storing system with an example.
> Read the [BLOB Storing document]( to understand how to use the BLOB storing system. This document only covers how to create a new storage provider.
## Example Implementation
The first step is to create a class implements the `IBlobProvider` interface or inherit from the `BlobProviderBase` abstract class.
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Volo.Abp.BlobStoring;
using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection;
namespace AbpDemo
public class MyCustomBlobProvider : BlobProviderBase, ITransientDependency
public override Task SaveAsync(BlobProviderSaveArgs args)
public override Task<bool> DeleteAsync(BlobProviderDeleteArgs args)
public override Task<bool> ExistsAsync(BlobProviderExistsArgs args)
public override Task<Stream> GetOrNullAsync(BlobProviderGetArgs args)
*`MyCustomBlobProvider` inherits from the `BlobProviderBase` and overrides the `abstract` methods. The actual implementation is up to you.
* Implementing `ITransientDependency` registers this class to the [Dependency Injection]( system as a transient service.
> **Notice: Naming conventions are important**. If your class name doesn't end with `BlobProvider`, you must manually register/expose your service for the `IBlobProvider`.
That's all. Now, you can configure containers (inside the `ConfigureServices` method of your [module]( to use the `MyCustomBlobProvider` class:
`BlobContainerConfiguration` allows to add/remove provider specific configuration objects. If your provider needs to additional configuration, you can create a wrapper class to the `BlobContainerConfiguration` for a type-safe configuration option:
If you create a new provider and you think it can be useful for other developers, please consider to [contribute](Contribution/ to the ABP Framework on GitHub.