You do not have to provide the `ConfirmationService` at module or component level, because it is already **provided in root**. You can inject and start using it immediately in your components, directives, or services.
import { ConfirmationService } from '@abp/ng.theme.shared';
- The `ConfirmationService` methods accept three parameters that are `message`, `title`, and `options`.
-`success`, `warn`, `error`, and `info` methods return an [RxJS Subject]( to listen to confirmation popup closing event. The type of event value is [`Confirmation.Status`]( that is an enum.
<strong>Role Demo</strong> will be <strong>deleted</strong>
Do you confirm that?
'<spanclass="my-custom-title">Are you sure?</span>',
Since the values are HTML now, localization should be handled manually. Check out the [LocalizationService](./Localization#using-the-localization-service) to see how you can accomplish that.
> Please note that all strings will be sanitized by Angular and not every HTML string will work. Only values that are considered as "safe" by Angular will be displayed.
The open confirmation popup can be removed manually via the `clear` method:
## API
### success
message: Config.LocalizationParam,
title: Config.LocalizationParam,
options?: Partial<Confirmation.Options>,
): Observable<Confirmation.Status>
> See the [`Config.LocalizationParam` type]( and [`Confirmation` namespace](