This is the third part of the ASP.NET Core {{UI_Value}} tutorial series. See all parts:
- [Part I: Creating the project and book list page](
- [Part II: Creating, updating and deleting books](
- **Part III: Integration tests (this tutorial)**
*You can also check out [the video course]( prepared by the community, based on this tutorial.*
### Test projects in the solution
This part covers the **server side** tests. There are several test projects in the solution:
Each project is used to test the related project. Test projects use the following libraries for testing:
* [Xunit]( as the main test framework.
* [Shoudly]( as the assertion library.
* [NSubstitute]( as the mocking library.
### Adding test data
Startup template contains the `BookStoreTestDataBuilder` class in the `Acme.BookStore.TestBase` project which creates initial data to run tests. Change the content of `BookStoreTestDataSeedContributor` class as show below:
*`IGuidGenerator` is injected to create GUIDs. While `Guid.NewGuid()` would perfectly work for testing, `IGuidGenerator` has additional features especially important while using real databases. Further information, see the [Guid generation document](../