You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1353 lines
40 KiB

## ASP.NET Core {{UI_Value}} Tutorial - Part 2
"UI": ["MVC","NG"]
if UI == "MVC"
DB_Text="Entity Framework Core"
else if UI == "NG"
DB ="?"
### About this tutorial
This is the second part of the ASP.NET Core {{UI_Value}} tutorial series. All parts:
* [Part I: Creating the project and book list page](
* **Part II: Creating, updating and deleting books (this tutorial)**
* [Part III: Integration tests](
*You can also watch [this video course]( prepared by an ABP community member, based on this tutorial.*
{{if UI == "MVC"}}
### Creating a new book
In this section, you will learn how to create a new modal dialog form to create a new book. The modal dialog will look like in the below image:
#### Create the modal form
Create a new razor page, named `CreateModal.cshtml` under the `Pages/Books` folder of the `Acme.BookStore.Web` project.
##### CreateModal.cshtml.cs
Open the `CreateModal.cshtml.cs` file (`CreateModalModel` class) and replace with the following code:
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
namespace Acme.BookStore.Web.Pages.Books
public class CreateModalModel : BookStorePageModel
public CreateUpdateBookDto Book { get; set; }
private readonly IBookAppService _bookAppService;
public CreateModalModel(IBookAppService bookAppService)
_bookAppService = bookAppService;
public async Task<IActionResult> OnPostAsync()
await _bookAppService.CreateAsync(Book);
return NoContent();
* This class is derived from the `BookStorePageModel` instead of standard `PageModel`. `BookStorePageModel` inherits the `PageModel` and adds some common properties & methods that can be used in your page model classes.
* `[BindProperty]` attribute on the `Book` property binds post request data to this property.
* This class simply injects the `IBookAppService` in the constructor and calls the `CreateAsync` method in the `OnPostAsync` handler.
##### CreateModal.cshtml
Open the `CreateModal.cshtml` file and paste the code below:
@using Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Bootstrap.TagHelpers.Modal
@model Acme.BookStore.Web.Pages.Books.CreateModalModel
Layout = null;
<abp-dynamic-form abp-model="Book" data-ajaxForm="true" asp-page="/Books/CreateModal">
<abp-modal-header title="@L["NewBook"].Value"></abp-modal-header>
<abp-form-content />
<abp-modal-footer buttons="@(AbpModalButtons.Cancel|AbpModalButtons.Save)"></abp-modal-footer>
* This modal uses `abp-dynamic-form` tag helper to automatically create the form from the model `CreateBookViewModel`.
* `abp-model` attribute indicates the model object where it's the `Book` property in this case.
* `data-ajaxForm` attribute sets the form to submit via AJAX, instead of a classic page post.
* `abp-form-content` tag helper is a placeholder to render the form controls (it is optional and needed only if you have added some other content in the `abp-dynamic-form` tag, just like in this page).
#### Add the "New book" button
Open the `Pages/Books/Index.cshtml` and set the content of `abp-card-header` tag as below:
<abp-column size-md="_6">
<abp-column size-md="_6" class="text-right">
<abp-button id="NewBookButton"
button-type="Primary" />
This adds a new button called **New book** to the **top-right** of the table:
Open the `pages/books/index.js` and add the following code just after the `Datatable` configuration:
var createModal = new abp.ModalManager(abp.appPath + 'Books/CreateModal');
createModal.onResult(function () {
$('#NewBookButton').click(function (e) {
* `abp.ModalManager` is a helper class to manage modals in the client side. It internally uses Twitter Bootstrap's standard modal, but abstracts many details by providing a simple API.
Now, you can **run the application** and add new books using the new modal form.
### Updating a book
Create a new razor page, named `EditModal.cshtml` under the `Pages/Books` folder of the `Acme.BookStore.Web` project:
#### EditModal.cshtml.cs
Open the `EditModal.cshtml.cs` file (`EditModalModel` class) and replace with the following code:
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
namespace Acme.BookStore.Web.Pages.Books
public class EditModalModel : BookStorePageModel
[BindProperty(SupportsGet = true)]
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public CreateUpdateBookDto Book { get; set; }
private readonly IBookAppService _bookAppService;
public EditModalModel(IBookAppService bookAppService)
_bookAppService = bookAppService;
public async Task OnGetAsync()
var bookDto = await _bookAppService.GetAsync(Id);
Book = ObjectMapper.Map<BookDto, CreateUpdateBookDto>(bookDto);
public async Task<IActionResult> OnPostAsync()
await _bookAppService.UpdateAsync(Id, Book);
return NoContent();
* `[HiddenInput]` and `[BindProperty]` are standard ASP.NET Core MVC attributes. `SupportsGet` is used to be able to get `Id` value from query string parameter of the request.
* In the `GetAsync` method, we get `BookDto `from `BookAppService` and this is being mapped to the DTO object `CreateUpdateBookDto`.
* The `OnPostAsync` uses `BookAppService.UpdateAsync()` to update the entity.
#### Mapping from BookDto to CreateUpdateBookDto
To be able to map the `BookDto` to `CreateUpdateBookDto`, configure a new mapping. To do this, open the `BookStoreWebAutoMapperProfile.cs` in the `Acme.BookStore.Web` project and change it as shown below:
using AutoMapper;
namespace Acme.BookStore.Web
public class BookStoreWebAutoMapperProfile : Profile
public BookStoreWebAutoMapperProfile()
CreateMap<BookDto, CreateUpdateBookDto>();
* We have just added `CreateMap<BookDto, CreateUpdateBookDto>();` to define this mapping.
#### EditModal.cshtml
Replace `EditModal.cshtml` content with the following content:
@using Acme.BookStore.Web.Pages.Books
@using Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Bootstrap.TagHelpers.Modal
@model EditModalModel
Layout = null;
<abp-dynamic-form abp-model="Book" data-ajaxForm="true" asp-page="/Books/EditModal">
<abp-modal-header title="@L["Update"].Value"></abp-modal-header>
<abp-input asp-for="Id" />
<abp-form-content />
<abp-modal-footer buttons="@(AbpModalButtons.Cancel|AbpModalButtons.Save)"></abp-modal-footer>
This page is very similar to the `CreateModal.cshtml`, except:
* It includes an `abp-input` for the `Id` property to store `Id` of the editing book (which is a hidden input).
* It uses `Books/EditModal` as the post URL and *Update* text as the modal header.
#### Add "Actions" dropdown to the table
We will add a dropdown button to the table named *Actions*.
Open the `Pages/Books/Index.cshtml` page and change the `<abp-table>` section as shown below:
<abp-table striped-rows="true" id="BooksTable">
* We just added a new `th` tag for the "*Actions*" button.
Open the `pages/books/index.js` and replace the content as below:
$(function () {
var l = abp.localization.getResource('BookStore');
var createModal = new abp.ModalManager(abp.appPath + 'Books/CreateModal');
var editModal = new abp.ModalManager(abp.appPath + 'Books/EditModal');
var dataTable = $('#BooksTable').DataTable(abp.libs.datatables.normalizeConfiguration({
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
paging: true,
searching: false,
autoWidth: false,
scrollCollapse: true,
order: [[1, "asc"]],
ajax: abp.libs.datatables.createAjax(,
columnDefs: [
rowAction: {
text: l('Edit'),
action: function (data) {{ id: });
{ data: "name" },
{ data: "type" },
{ data: "publishDate" },
{ data: "price" },
{ data: "creationTime" }
createModal.onResult(function () {
editModal.onResult(function () {
$('#NewBookButton').click(function (e) {
* Used `abp.localization.getResource('BookStore')` to be able to use the same localization texts defined on the server-side.
* Added a new `ModalManager` named `createModal` to open the create modal dialog.
* Added a new `ModalManager` named `editModal` to open the edit modal dialog.
* Added a new column at the beginning of the `columnDefs` section. This column is used for the "*Actions*" dropdown button.
* "*New Book*" action simply calls `` to open the create dialog.
* "*Edit*" action simply calls `` to open the edit dialog.
You can run the application and edit any book by selecting the edit action. The final UI looks as below:
### Deleting a book
Open the `pages/books/index.js` and add a new item to the `rowAction` `items`:
text: l('Delete'),
confirmMessage: function (data) {
return l('BookDeletionConfirmationMessage',;
action: function (data) {
.then(function() {'SuccessfullyDeleted'));
* `confirmMessage` option is used to ask a confirmation question before executing the `action`.
* `` method makes an AJAX request to JavaScript proxy function to delete a book.
* `` shows a notification after the delete operation.
The final `index.js` content is shown below:
$(function () {
var l = abp.localization.getResource('BookStore');
var createModal = new abp.ModalManager(abp.appPath + 'Books/CreateModal');
var editModal = new abp.ModalManager(abp.appPath + 'Books/EditModal');
var dataTable = $('#BooksTable').DataTable(abp.libs.datatables.normalizeConfiguration({
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
paging: true,
searching: false,
autoWidth: false,
scrollCollapse: true,
order: [[1, "asc"]],
ajax: abp.libs.datatables.createAjax(,
columnDefs: [
rowAction: {
text: l('Edit'),
action: function (data) {{ id: });
text: l('Delete'),
confirmMessage: function (data) {
return l('BookDeletionConfirmationMessage',;
action: function (data) {
.then(function() {'SuccessfullyDeleted'));
{ data: "name" },
{ data: "type" },
{ data: "publishDate" },
{ data: "price" },
{ data: "creationTime" }
createModal.onResult(function () {
editModal.onResult(function () {
$('#NewBookButton').click(function (e) {
Open the `en.json` in the `Acme.BookStore.Domain.Shared` project and add the following translations:
"BookDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure to delete the book {0}?",
"SuccessfullyDeleted": "Successfully deleted"
Run the application and try to delete a book.
{{if UI == "NG"}}
### Creating a new book
In this section, you will learn how to create a new modal dialog form to create a new book.
#### State definitions
Open `book.action.ts` in `app\book\state` folder and replace the content as below:
import { CreateUpdateBookDto } from '../models'; //<== added this line ==>
export class GetBooks {
static readonly type = '[Book] Get';
// added CreateUpdateBook class
export class CreateUpdateBook {
static readonly type = '[Book] Create Update Book';
constructor(public payload: CreateUpdateBookDto) { }
* We imported the `CreateUpdateBookDto` model and created the `CreateUpdateBook` action.
Open `book.state.ts` file in `app\book\state` folder and replace the content as below:
import { PagedResultDto } from '@abp/ng.core';
import { State, Action, StateContext, Selector } from '@ngxs/store';
import { GetBooks, CreateUpdateBook } from './book.actions'; // <== added CreateUpdateBook==>
import { BookService } from '../services';
import { tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { BookDto } from '../models';
export class BookStateModel {
public book: PagedResultDto<BookDto>;
name: 'BookState',
defaults: { book: {} } as BookStateModel,
export class BookState {
static getBooks(state: BookStateModel) {
return || [];
constructor(private bookService: BookService) {}
get(ctx: StateContext<BookStateModel>) {
return this.bookService.getListByInput().pipe(
tap((bookResponse) => {
book: bookResponse,
// added CreateUpdateBook action listener
save(ctx: StateContext<BookStateModel>, action: CreateUpdateBook) {
return this.bookService.createByInput(action.payload);
* We imported `CreateUpdateBook` action and defined the `save` method that will listen to a `CreateUpdateBook` action to create a book.
When the `SaveBook` action dispatched, the save method is being executed. It calls `createByInput` method of the `BookService`.
#### Add a modal to BookListComponent
Open `book-list.component.html` file in `books\book-list` folder and replace the content as below:
<div class="card">
<div class="card-header">
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-md-6">
<h5 class="card-title">
{%{{{ '::Menu:Books' | abpLocalization }}}%}
<!--Added new book button -->
<div class="text-right col col-md-6">
<div class="text-lg-right pt-2">
class="btn btn-primary"
<i class="fa fa-plus mr-1"></i>
<span>{%{{{ "::NewBook" | abpLocalization }}}%}</span>
<div class="card-body">
[value]="books$ | async"
<ng-template #tableHeader>
<th>{%{{{ "::Name" | abpLocalization }}}%}</th>
<th>{%{{{ "::Type" | abpLocalization }}}%}</th>
<th>{%{{{ "::PublishDate" | abpLocalization }}}%}</th>
<th>{%{{{ "::Price" | abpLocalization }}}%}</th>
<ng-template #tableBody let-data>
<td>{%{{{ }}}%}</td>
<td>{%{{{ booksType[data.type] }}}%}</td>
<td>{%{{{ data.publishDate | date }}}%}</td>
<td>{%{{{ data.price }}}%}</td>
<!--added modal-->
<abp-modal [(visible)]="isModalOpen">
<ng-template #abpHeader>
<h3>{%{{{ '::NewBook' | abpLocalization }}}%}</h3>
<ng-template #abpBody> </ng-template>
<ng-template #abpFooter>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" #abpClose>
{%{{{ 'AbpAccount::Close' | abpLocalization }}}%}
* We added the `abp-modal` which renders a modal to allow user to create a new book.
* `abp-modal` is a pre-built component to show modals. While you could use another approach to show a modal, `abp-modal` provides additional benefits.
* We added `New book` button to the `AbpContentToolbar`.
Open `book-list.component.ts` file in `app\book\book-list` folder and replace the content as below:
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Select, Store } from '@ngxs/store';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { finalize } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { BookDto, BookType } from '../models';
import { GetBooks } from '../state/book.actions';
import { BookState } from '../state/book.state';
selector: 'app-book-list',
templateUrl: './book-list.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./book-list.component.scss'],
export class BookListComponent implements OnInit {
books$: Observable<BookDto[]>;
booksType = BookType;
loading = false;
isModalOpen = false; // <== added this line ==>
constructor(private store: Store) {}
ngOnInit() {
get() {
this.loading = true;
.dispatch(new GetBooks())
.pipe(finalize(() => (this.loading = false)))
.subscribe(() => {});
// added createBook method
createBook() {
this.isModalOpen = true;
* We added `isModalOpen = false` and `createBook` method.
You can open your browser and click **New book** button to see the new modal.
![Empty modal for new book](./images/bookstore-empty-new-book-modal.png)
#### Create a reactive form
[Reactive forms]( provide a model-driven approach to handling form inputs whose values change over time.
Open `book-list.component.ts` file in `app\book\book-list` folder and replace the content as below:
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Select, Store } from '@ngxs/store';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { finalize } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { BookDto, BookType } from '../models';
import { GetBooks } from '../state/book.actions';
import { BookState } from '../state/book.state';
import { FormGroup, FormBuilder, Validators } from '@angular/forms'; // <== added this line ==>
selector: 'app-book-list',
templateUrl: './book-list.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./book-list.component.scss'],
export class BookListComponent implements OnInit {
books$: Observable<BookDto[]>;
booksType = BookType;
loading = false;
isModalOpen = false;
form: FormGroup; // <== added this line ==>
constructor(private store: Store, private fb: FormBuilder) {} // <== added FormBuilder ==>
ngOnInit() {
get() {
this.loading = true;
.dispatch(new GetBooks())
.pipe(finalize(() => (this.loading = false)))
.subscribe(() => {});
createBook() {
this.buildForm(); //<== added this line ==>
this.isModalOpen = true;
// added buildForm method
buildForm() {
this.form ={
name: ['', Validators.required],
type: [null, Validators.required],
publishDate: [null, Validators.required],
price: [null, Validators.required],
* We imported `FormGroup, FormBuilder and Validators`.
* We added `form: FormGroup` variable.
* We injected `fb: FormBuilder` service to the constructor. The [FormBuilder]( service provides convenient methods for generating controls. It reduces the amount of boilerplate needed to build complex forms.
* We added `buildForm` method to the end of the file and executed `buildForm()` in the `createBook` method. This method creates a reactive form to be able to create a new book.
* The `group` method of `FormBuilder`, `fb` creates a `FormGroup`.
* Added `Validators.required` static method which validates the relevant form element.
#### Create the DOM elements of the form
Open `book-list.component.html` in `app\books\book-list` folder and replace `<ng-template #abpBody> </ng-template>` with the following code part:
<ng-template #abpBody>
<form [formGroup]="form">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="book-name">Name</label><span> * </span>
<input type="text" id="book-name" class="form-control" formControlName="name" autofocus />
<div class="form-group">
<label for="book-price">Price</label><span> * </span>
<input type="number" id="book-price" class="form-control" formControlName="price" />
<div class="form-group">
<label for="book-type">Type</label><span> * </span>
<select class="form-control" id="book-type" formControlName="type">
<option [ngValue]="null">Select a book type</option>
<option [ngValue]="booksType[type]" *ngFor="let type of bookTypeArr"> {%{{{ type }}}%}</option>
<div class="form-group">
<label>Publish date</label><span> * </span>
- This template creates a form with `Name`, `Price`, `Type` and `Publish` date fields.
- We've used [NgBootstrap datepicker]( in this component.
#### Datepicker requirements
Open `book.module.ts` file in `app\book` folder and replace the content as below:
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { BookRoutingModule } from './book-routing.module';
import { BookListComponent } from './book-list/book-list.component';
import { SharedModule } from '../shared/shared.module';
import { NgbDatepickerModule } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap'; //<== added this line ==>
declarations: [BookListComponent],
imports: [
NgbDatepickerModule, //<== added this line ==>
export class BookModule {}
* We imported `NgbDatepickerModule` to be able to use the date picker.
Open `book-list.component.ts` file in `app\book\book-list` folder and replace the content as below:
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Select, Store } from '@ngxs/store';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { finalize } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { BookDto, BookType } from '../models';
import { GetBooks } from '../state/book.actions';
import { BookState } from '../state/book.state';
import { FormGroup, FormBuilder, Validators } from '@angular/forms';
import { NgbDateNativeAdapter, NgbDateAdapter } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap'; // <== added this line ==>
selector: 'app-book-list',
templateUrl: './book-list.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./book-list.component.scss'],
providers: [{ provide: NgbDateAdapter, useClass: NgbDateNativeAdapter }], // <== added this line ==>
export class BookListComponent implements OnInit {
books$: Observable<BookDto[]>;
booksType = BookType;
//added bookTypeArr array
bookTypeArr = Object.keys(BookType).filter(
(bookType) => typeof this.booksType[bookType] === 'number'
loading = false;
isModalOpen = false;
form: FormGroup;
constructor(private store: Store, private fb: FormBuilder) {}
ngOnInit() {
get() {
this.loading = true;
.dispatch(new GetBooks())
.pipe(finalize(() => (this.loading = false)))
.subscribe(() => {});
createBook() {
this.isModalOpen = true;
buildForm() {
this.form ={
name: ['', Validators.required],
type: [null, Validators.required],
publishDate: [null, Validators.required],
price: [null, Validators.required],
* We imported ` NgbDateNativeAdapter, NgbDateAdapter`
* We added a new provider `NgbDateAdapter` that converts Datepicker value to `Date` type. See the [datepicker adapters]( for more details.
* We added `bookTypeArr` array to be able to use it in the combobox values. The `bookTypeArr` contains the fields of the `BookType` enum. Resulting array is shown below:
['Adventure', 'Biography', 'Dystopia', 'Fantastic' ...]
This array was used in the previous form template in the `ngFor` loop.
Now, you can open your browser to see the changes:
![New book modal](./images/bookstore-new-book-form.png)
#### Saving the book
Open `book-list.component.ts` file in `app\book\book-list` folder and replace the content as below:
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Select, Store } from '@ngxs/store';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { finalize } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { BookDto, BookType } from '../models';
import { GetBooks, CreateUpdateBook } from '../state/book.actions'; // <== added CreateUpdateBook ==>
import { BookState } from '../state/book.state';
import { FormGroup, FormBuilder, Validators } from '@angular/forms';
import { NgbDateNativeAdapter, NgbDateAdapter } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';
selector: 'app-book-list',
templateUrl: './book-list.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./book-list.component.scss'],
providers: [{ provide: NgbDateAdapter, useClass: NgbDateNativeAdapter }],
export class BookListComponent implements OnInit {
books$: Observable<BookDto[]>;
booksType = BookType;
bookTypeArr = Object.keys(BookType).filter(
(bookType) => typeof this.booksType[bookType] === 'number'
loading = false;
isModalOpen = false;
form: FormGroup;
constructor(private store: Store, private fb: FormBuilder) {}
ngOnInit() {
get() {
this.loading = true;
.dispatch(new GetBooks())
.pipe(finalize(() => (this.loading = false)))
.subscribe(() => {});
createBook() {
this.isModalOpen = true;
buildForm() {
this.form ={
name: ['', Validators.required],
type: [null, Validators.required],
publishDate: [null, Validators.required],
price: [null, Validators.required],
// <== added save ==>
save() {
if (this.form.invalid) {
} CreateUpdateBook(this.form.value)).subscribe(() => {
this.isModalOpen = false;
* We imported `CreateUpdateBook`.
* We added `save` method
Open `book-list.component.html` in `app\book\book-list` folder and add the following `abp-button` to save the new book.
5 years ago
<ng-template #abpFooter>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" #abpClose>
{%{{{ 'AbpAccount::Close' | abpLocalization }}}%}
5 years ago
<!--added save button-->
<button class="btn btn-primary" (click)="save()" [disabled]="form.invalid">
<i class="fa fa-check mr-1"></i>
{%{{{ 'AbpAccount::Save' | abpLocalization }}}%}
Find the `<form [formGroup]="form">` tag and replace below content:
<form [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="save()"> <!-- added the ngSubmit -->
5 years ago
* We added the `(ngSubmit)="save()"` to `<form>` element to save a new book by pressing the enter.
* We added `abp-button` to the bottom area of the modal to save a new book.
The final modal UI looks like below:
![Save button to the modal](./images/bookstore-new-book-form-v2.png)
### Updating a book
#### CreateUpdateBook action
Open the `book.actions.ts` in `app\book\state` folder and replace the content as below:
import { CreateUpdateBookDto } from '../models';
export class GetBooks {
static readonly type = '[Book] Get';
export class CreateUpdateBook {
static readonly type = '[Book] Create Update Book';
constructor(public payload: CreateUpdateBookDto, public id?: string) {} // <== added id parameter ==>
* We added `id` parameter to the `CreateUpdateBook` action's constructor.
Open the `book.state.ts` in `app\book\state` folder and replace the `save` method as below:
save(ctx: StateContext<BookStateModel>, action: CreateUpdateBook) {
if ( {
return this.bookService.updateByIdAndInput(action.payload,;
} else {
return this.bookService.createByInput(action.payload);
#### BookListComponent
Open `book-list.component.ts` in `app\book\book-list` folder and inject `BookService` dependency by adding it to the constructor and add a variable named `selectedBook`.
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Select, Store } from '@ngxs/store';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { finalize } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { BookDto, BookType } from '../models';
import { GetBooks, CreateUpdateBook } from '../state/book.actions';
import { BookState } from '../state/book.state';
import { FormGroup, FormBuilder, Validators } from '@angular/forms';
import { NgbDateNativeAdapter, NgbDateAdapter } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';
import { BookService } from '../services'; // <== imported BookService ==>
selector: 'app-book-list',
templateUrl: './book-list.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./book-list.component.scss'],
providers: [{ provide: NgbDateAdapter, useClass: NgbDateNativeAdapter }],
export class BookListComponent implements OnInit {
books$: Observable<BookDto[]>;
booksType = BookType;
bookTypeArr = Object.keys(BookType).filter(
(bookType) => typeof this.booksType[bookType] === 'number'
loading = false;
isModalOpen = false;
form: FormGroup;
selectedBook = {} as BookDto; // <== declared selectedBook ==>
constructor(private store: Store, private fb: FormBuilder, private bookService: BookService) {} //<== injected BookService ==>
ngOnInit() {
get() {
this.loading = true;
.dispatch(new GetBooks())
.pipe(finalize(() => (this.loading = false)))
.subscribe(() => {});
// <== this method is replaced ==>
createBook() {
this.selectedBook = {} as BookDto; // <== added ==>
this.isModalOpen = true;
// <== added editBook method ==>
editBook(id: string) {
this.bookService.getById(id).subscribe((book) => {
this.selectedBook = book;
this.isModalOpen = true;
// <== this method is replaced ==>
buildForm() {
this.form ={
name: [ || '', Validators.required],
type: [this.selectedBook.type || null, Validators.required],
publishDate: [
this.selectedBook.publishDate ? new Date(this.selectedBook.publishDate) : null,
price: [this.selectedBook.price || null, Validators.required],
save() {
if (this.form.invalid) {
//<== added ==>
.dispatch(new CreateUpdateBook(this.form.value,
.subscribe(() => {
this.isModalOpen = false;
* We imported `BookService`.
* We declared a variable named `selectedBook` as `BookDto`.
* We injected `BookService` to the constructor. `BookService` is being used to retrieve the book data which is being edited.
* We added `editBook` method. This method fetches the book with the given `Id` and sets it to `selectedBook` object.
* We replaced the `buildForm` method so that it creates the form with the `selectedBook` data.
* We replaced the `createBook` method so it sets `selectedBook` to an empty object.
* We added `` to the constructor of the new `CreateUpdateBook`.
#### Add "Actions" dropdown to the table
Open the `book-list.component.html` in `app\book\book-list` folder and replace the `<div class="card-body">` tag as below:
<div class="card-body">
[value]="books$ | async"
<ng-template #tableHeader>
<th>{%{{{ "::Actions" | abpLocalization }}}%}</th>
<th>{%{{{ "::Name" | abpLocalization }}}%}</th>
<th>{%{{{ "::Type" | abpLocalization }}}%}</th>
<th>{%{{{ "::PublishDate" | abpLocalization }}}%}</th>
<th>{%{{{ "::Price" | abpLocalization }}}%}</th>
<ng-template #tableBody let-data>
<div ngbDropdown container="body" class="d-inline-block">
class="btn btn-primary btn-sm dropdown-toggle"
<i class="fa fa-cog mr-1"></i>{%{{{ "::Actions" | abpLocalization }}}%}
<div ngbDropdownMenu>
<button ngbDropdownItem (click)="editBook(">
{%{{{ "::Edit" | abpLocalization }}}%}
<td>{%{{{ }}}%}</td>
<td>{%{{{ booksType[data.type] }}}%}</td>
<td>{%{{{ data.publishDate | date }}}%}</td>
<td>{%{{{ data.price }}}%}</td>
- We added a `th` for the "Actions" column.
- We added `button` with `ngbDropdownToggle` to open actions when clicked the button.
- We have used to [NgbDropdown]( for the dropdown menu of actions.
The final UI looks like as below:
![Action buttons](./images/bookstore-actions-buttons.png)
Open `book-list.component.html` in `app\book\book-list` folder and find the `<ng-template #abpHeader>` tag and replace the content as below.
<ng-template #abpHeader>
<h3>{%{{{ ( ? 'AbpIdentity::Edit' : '::NewBook' ) | abpLocalization }}}%}</h3>
* This template will show **Edit** text for edit record operation, **New Book** for new record operation in the title.
### Deleting a book
#### DeleteBook action
Open `book.actions.ts` in `app\book\state` folder and add an action named `DeleteBook`.
export class DeleteBook {
static readonly type = '[Book] Delete';
constructor(public id: string) {}
Open the `book.state.ts` in `app\book\state` folder and replace the content as below:
import { PagedResultDto } from '@abp/ng.core';
import { State, Action, StateContext, Selector } from '@ngxs/store';
import { GetBooks, CreateUpdateBook, DeleteBook } from './book.actions'; // <== added DeleteBook==>
import { BookService } from '../services';
import { tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { BookDto } from '../models';
export class BookStateModel {
public book: PagedResultDto<BookDto>;
name: 'BookState',
defaults: { book: {} } as BookStateModel,
export class BookState {
static getBooks(state: BookStateModel) {
return || [];
constructor(private bookService: BookService) {}
get(ctx: StateContext<BookStateModel>) {
return this.bookService.getListByInput().pipe(
tap((booksResponse) => {
book: booksResponse,
save(ctx: StateContext<BookStateModel>, action: CreateUpdateBook) {
if ( {
return this.bookService.updateByIdAndInput(action.payload,;
} else {
return this.bookService.createByInput(action.payload);
// <== added DeleteBook action listener ==>
delete(ctx: StateContext<BookStateModel>, action: DeleteBook) {
return this.bookService.deleteById(;
- We imported `DeleteBook` .
- We added `DeleteBook` action listener to the end of the file.
#### Delete confirmation popup
Open `book-list.component.ts` in`app\book\book-list` folder and inject the `ConfirmationService`.
Replace the constructor as below:
import { ConfirmationService } from '@abp/ng.theme.shared';
private store: Store,
private fb: FormBuilder,
private bookService: BookService,
private confirmation: ConfirmationService // <== added this line ==>
) { }
* We imported `ConfirmationService`.
* We injected `ConfirmationService` to the constructor.
See the [Confirmation Popup documentation](
In the `book-list.component.ts` add a delete method :
import { GetBooks, CreateUpdateBook, DeleteBook } from '../state/book.actions' ;// <== imported DeleteBook ==>
import { ConfirmationService, Confirmation } from '@abp/ng.theme.shared'; //<== imported Confirmation ==>
delete(id: string) {
.warn('::AreYouSureToDelete', 'AbpAccount::AreYouSure')
.subscribe(status => {
if (status === Confirmation.Status.confirm) { DeleteBook(id)).subscribe(() => this.get());
The `delete` method shows a confirmation popup and subscribes for the user response. `DeleteBook` action dispatched only if user clicks to the `Yes` button. The confirmation popup looks like below:
#### Add a delete button
Open `book-list.component.html` in `app\book\book-list` folder and modify the `ngbDropdownMenu` to add the delete button as shown below:
<div ngbDropdownMenu>
<!-- added Delete button -->
<button ngbDropdownItem (click)="delete(">
{%{{{ 'AbpAccount::Delete' | abpLocalization }}}%}
The final actions dropdown UI looks like below:
### Next Part
See the [next part]( of this tutorial.