Docs module is an application module for ABP framework. It simplifies software documentation. This module is free and open-source.
### Integration
Currently docs module provides you to store your docs both on GitHub and file system.
### Hosting
Docs module is an application module and does not offer any hosting solution. You can host your docs on-premise or on cloud.
### Versioning
When you use GitHub to store your docs, Docs Module supports versioning. If you have multiple versions for your docs, there will be a combo-box on the UI to switch between versions. If you choose file system to store your docs, it does not support multiple versions.
If you do not have an existing ABP project, this step shows you how to create a new project from []( to add the Docs Module. If you already have an ABP project, you can skip this step.
After you download the project, extract the ZIP file and open `Acme.MyProject.sln`. You will see that the solution consists of `Application`, `Application.Contracts`, `DbMigrator`, `Domain`, `Domain.Shared`, `EntityFrameworkCore`, `EntityFrameworkCore.DbMigations`, `HttpApi`, `HttpApi.Client` and `Web` projects. Right click on `Acme.MyProject.Web` project and **Set as StartUp Project**.
The database connection string is located in `appsettings.json` of your `Acme.MyProject.Web` project. If you have a different database configuration, change the connection string.
Run `Acme.MyProject.DbMigrator` project, it will be responsible for applying database migration and seed data. The database `MyProject` will be created in your database server.
To login your website enter `admin` as the username and `1q2w3E*` as the password.
### 2- Referencing Docs Module Packages
Docs module packages are hosted on NuGet. There are 4 packages that needs be to installed to your application. Each package has to be installed to the relevant project.
It is recommended to use the ABP CLI to install the module, open the CMD window in the solution file (`.sln`) directory, and run the following command:
An ABP module must declare `[DependsOn]` attribute if it has a dependency upon another module. Each module has to be added in`[DependsOn]` attribute to the relevant project.
* Open `MyProjectDomainModule.cs`and add `typeof(DocsDomainModule)` as shown below;
public class MyProjectDomainModule : AbpModule
* Open `MyProjectEntityFrameworkCoreModule.cs`and add `typeof(DocsEntityFrameworkCoreModule)` as shown below;
* Open `Package Manager Console` in `Visual Studio` and choose `Acme.MyProject.EntityFrameworkCore.DbMigrations` as default project. Then write the below command to add the migration for Docs Module.
When the command successfully executes , you will see a new migration file named as `20181221111621_Added_Docs_Module` in the folder `Acme.MyProject.EntityFrameworkCore.DbMigrations\Migrations`.
Now, update the database for Docs module database changes. To do this run the below code on `Package Manager Console` in `Visual Studio`. Be sure `Acme.MyProject.EntityFrameworkCore.DbMigrations` is still default project.
The `Menu:Docs` keyword is a localization key. To localize the menu text, open `Localization\MyProject\en.json` in the project `Acme.MyProject.Domain`. And add the below line
Note that `GitHubAccessToken` is masked with `***`. It's a private token that you must get it from GitHub. See
Note that `Path` must be replaced with your local docs directory. You can fetch the ABP Framework's documents from and copy to the directory `C:\\Github\\abp\\docs` to get it work.
Add one of the sample projects above and run the application. In the menu you will see `Documents` link, click the menu link to open the documents page.
So far, we have created a new application from website and made it up and ready for Docs module.
### 7- Creating a New Document
In the sample Project records, you see that `Format` is specified as `md` which refers to [Mark Down]( You can see the mark down cheat sheet following the below link;
Docs module uses [Scriban](<> ) for conditionally show or hide some parts of a document. In order to use that feature, you have to create a JSON file as **Parameter document** per every language. It will contain all the key-values, as well as their display names.
For example, [en/docs-params.json](
"parameters": [{
"name": "UI",
"displayName": "UI",
"values": {
"MVC": "MVC / Razor Pages",
"NG": "Angular"
"name": "DB",
"displayName": "Database",
"values": {
"EF": "Entity Framework Core",
"Mongo": "MongoDB"
"name": "Tiered",
"displayName": "Tiered",
"values": {
"No": "Not Tiered",
"Yes": "Tiered"
Since not every single document in your projects may not have sections or may not need all of those parameters, you have to declare which of those parameters will be used for sectioning the document, as a JSON block anywhere on the document.
Also, **Document_Language_Code** and **Document_Version** keys are pre-defined if you want to get the language code or the version of the current document (This may be useful for creating links that redirects to another documentation system in another domain).
**IMPORTANT NOTICE**: Scriban uses "{{" and "}}" for syntax. Therefore, you must use escape blocks if you are going to use those in your document (an Angular document, for example). See [Scriban docs](<> ) for more information.
Navigation document is the main menu of the documents page. It is located on the left side of the page. It is a `JSON` file. Take a look at the below sample navigation document to understand the structure.
"text":"Sample Menu Item - 1",
"text":"Sample Menu Item - 1.1",
"text":"Sample Menu Item - 1.1.1",
"text":"Sample Menu Item - 1.2",
"text":"Sample Menu Item - 1.2.1",
"text":"Sample Menu Item - 1.2.2",
"text":"Sample Menu Item - 2",
"text":"Sample Menu Item - 2.1",
"text":"Sample Menu Item - 2.1.1",
The upper sample `JSON` file renders the below navigation menu as `HTML`.
The Docs module supports full-text search using Elastic Search. It is not enabled by default. You can configure `DocsElasticSearchOptions` to enable it.
Configure<DocsElasticSearchOptions>(options =>
options.Enable = true;
options.IndexName = "your_index_name"; //default IndexName is abp_documents
The `Index` is automatically created after the application starts if the `Index` does not exist.
`DefaultElasticClientProvider` is responsible for creating `IElasticClient`. By default, it reads Elastic Search's `Url` from `IConfiguration`.
If your `IElasticClient` needs additional configuration, please use override `IElasticClientProvider` service and replace it in the [dependency injection]( system.