Background workers are simple independent threads in the application running in the background. Generally, they run periodically to perform some tasks. Examples;
public override Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
public override Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Start your worker in the `StartAsync` (which is called when the application begins) and stop in the `StopAsync` (which is called when the application shuts down).
> You can directly implement the `IBackgroundWorker`, but `BackgroundWorkerBase` provides some useful properties like `Logger`.
### AsyncPeriodicBackgroundWorkerBase
Assume that we want to make a user passive, if the user has not logged in to the application in last 30 days. `AsyncPeriodicBackgroundWorkerBase` class simplifies to create periodic workers, so we will use it for the example below:
*`AsyncPeriodicBackgroundWorkerBase` uses the `AbpTimer` (a thread-safe timer) object to determine **the period**. We can set its `Period` property in the constructor.
* It required to implement the `DoWorkAsync` method to **execute** the periodic work.
* It is a good practice to **resolve dependencies** from the `PeriodicBackgroundWorkerContext` instead of constructor injection. Because `AsyncPeriodicBackgroundWorkerBase` uses a `IServiceScope` that is **disposed** when your work finishes.
*`AsyncPeriodicBackgroundWorkerBase`**catches and logs exceptions** thrown by the `DoWorkAsync` method.
After creating a background worker class, you should to add it to the `IBackgroundWorkerManager`. The most common place is the `OnApplicationInitialization` method of your module class:
So, it resolves the given background worker and adds to the `IBackgroundWorkerManager`.
While we generally add workers in `OnApplicationInitialization`, there are no restrictions on that. You can inject `IBackgroundWorkerManager` anywhere and add workers at runtime. Background worker manager will stop and release all the registered workers when your application is being shut down.
Background workers only work if your application is running. If you host the background job execution in your web application (this is the default behavior), you should ensure that your web application is configured to always be running. Otherwise, background jobs only work while your application is in use.
## Running On a Cluster
Be careful if you run multiple instances of your application simultaneously in a clustered environment. In that case, every application runs the same worker which may create conflicts if your workers are running on the same resources (processing the same data, for example).
If that's a problem for your workers, you have two options;
* Disable the background worker system using the `AbpBackgroundWorkerOptions` described above, for all the application instances, except one of them.
* Disable the background worker system for all the application instances and create another special application that runs on a single server and execute the workers.
## Quartz Integration
ABP Framework's background worker system is good to implement periodic tasks. However, you may want to use an advanced task scheduler like [Quartz]( See the community contributed [quartz integration]( for the background workers.