f 2 weeks ago
parent cd05562974
commit 3b0279fe59

@ -212,40 +212,43 @@ jobs:
const csvContent = Buffer.from(csvFile.content, 'base64').toString('utf-8') +
`\n"${actName.replace(/"/g, '""')}","${newPrompt.replace(/"/g, '""')}"`;
// Create a tree with both files
console.log('Creating Git tree...');
console.log(`Using PR head SHA: ${pr.head.sha}`);
const { data: mainTree } = await octokit.git.getTree({
owner: event.repository.owner.login,
repo: event.repository.name,
tree_sha: pr.head.sha,
recursive: true
console.log('Creating Git operations in fork...');
console.log(`Fork owner: ${pr.head.user.login}`);
console.log(`Fork repo: ${pr.head.repo.name}`);
console.log(`Branch: ${pr.head.ref}`);
// Create blobs for both files
console.log('Creating file blobs...');
// Create blobs in fork
console.log('Creating file blobs in fork...');
const [readmeBlob, csvBlob] = await Promise.all([
owner: event.repository.owner.login,
repo: event.repository.name,
owner: pr.head.user.login,
repo: pr.head.repo.name,
content: Buffer.from(readmeContent).toString('base64'),
encoding: 'base64'
owner: event.repository.owner.login,
repo: event.repository.name,
owner: pr.head.user.login,
repo: pr.head.repo.name,
content: Buffer.from(csvContent).toString('base64'),
encoding: 'base64'
console.log('File blobs created');
console.log('File blobs created in fork');
// Create a new tree
console.log('Creating new tree with updated files...');
// Get current tree from fork
const { data: currentTree } = await octokit.git.getTree({
owner: pr.head.user.login,
repo: pr.head.repo.name,
tree_sha: pr.head.sha,
recursive: true
// Create a new tree in fork
console.log('Creating new tree in fork...');
const { data: newTree } = await octokit.git.createTree({
owner: event.repository.owner.login,
repo: event.repository.name,
base_tree: mainTree.sha,
owner: pr.head.user.login,
repo: pr.head.repo.name,
base_tree: currentTree.sha,
tree: [
path: 'README.md',
@ -261,28 +264,28 @@ jobs:
console.log('New tree created');
console.log('New tree created in fork');
// Create a commit
console.log('Creating commit...');
// Create a commit in fork
console.log('Creating commit in fork...');
const { data: newCommit } = await octokit.git.createCommit({
owner: event.repository.owner.login,
repo: event.repository.name,
owner: pr.head.user.login,
repo: pr.head.repo.name,
message: `feat: Add "${actName}" to prompts`,
tree: newTree.sha,
parents: [pr.head.sha]
console.log(`New commit created: ${newCommit.sha}`);
console.log(`New commit created in fork: ${newCommit.sha}`);
// Update the reference
console.log(`Updating branch ${pr.head.ref}...`);
// Update the reference in fork
console.log(`Updating branch ${pr.head.ref} in fork...`);
await octokit.git.updateRef({
owner: event.repository.owner.login,
repo: event.repository.name,
owner: pr.head.user.login,
repo: pr.head.repo.name,
ref: `heads/${pr.head.ref}`,
sha: newCommit.sha
console.log('Branch updated successfully');
console.log('Branch updated successfully in fork');
console.log('Adding success comment to PR...');
await octokit.issues.createComment({
